Interview Starts:
What are your names and positions in the band?

Will: I'm Will and I play drums.
Sam: I'm Sam and I'm vocals.
Pete: keyboards and I'm Pete.
What age did you all start playing together as a band?
Sam: I think it was about nineteen?
Pete: Yeah I think that was when we started writing songs together anyhow.
And is that when you realised that being musicians is what you wanted to do?
Sam: I don't think we ever realised it was what we wanted to do, it just all sort of fell into place.
Before you thought of being musicians, what was it you were wanting to do as a career?
Sam: I was doing a gardening course.
Will: I was a lifeguard.
Pete: Nothing, I was just generally unemployed.
How has your music evolved since you first started?
Sam: I don't think it has really.
Pete: Has it got longer?
Will: Yeah I'd say the songs have got longer.
sam: Maybe, but some songs on the new album are short as well, so I wouldn't necessarily say our music has evolved by getting longer.
Who writes the songs?
Will: Pete.
Pete: Will mainly.
Sam: Will mainly and Pete.
Does it still feel surreal playing to such large crowds and massive festivals and having such a large fanbase?
sam: We've got our fans and our audiences and we see them on a day to day basis. We don't see ourselves as getting bigger or our audiences growing, we just appreciate people coming down to the shows. Yeah we play to a full room but we still sometimes play to an empty room.
Will: We still play Studio 180, we played it last week. I don't feel like anything has really changed, I thought at the beginning it would be a bit of a circus ride but now we just sort of get on with it.
Do you prefer playing to smaller crowds or to big crowds?
Sam: If it's a good crowd, it's a good crowd.
What festivals are you looking forward to the most in Summer?
Pete: Glastonbury.
Will: Glastonbury is always one to look forward to, I'm looking forward to Big Weekender as well.
Pete: And Leeds & Reading.
Will: Yeah, Leeds & Reading will be good, really looking forward to sharing the stage with Bastille and Mumford & Sons, I'm really proud of that moment.
Where's the best festival you've ever played?
Sam: Live At Leeds.
Will: Yeah it was good fun last year, I enjoyed myself tremendously.
Worst festival you've ever played?
Sam: Where did we play last night?
Will: Bloody SOS, it was a bit of a challenge really.
Sam:Yeah it was a bit of a shit show, it was just too hot and nobody tried to help you out, they just didn't really care.
Will: Bit of a piss take really, they just gave us half an hour before and that was it.
Sam: Quite demoralising.
What's the craziest crowd you've ever played?
From left to right: Chilli, Will, Sam. |
Pete: Scunthorpe?
Will: Yeah to be fair, Scunthorpe was one of the craziest but consistency wise, definitely Leeds.
Sam: People always say there's chaos at our gigs, we don't bring the chaos, the crowd brings the chaos. We're just the ones who get blamed for it.
Is Yorkshire a unique crowd to anywhere else you've played?
Sam: They like to chant.
Will: Yeah they love to chant, [Imitates Yorkshire chant 'Yorkshire! Yorkshire! Yorkshire!]
Sam: I normally start chanting with them but only if they start it.
Obviously you play with Immingham band, 'Ming City Rockers' quite a bit, how did you start playing with them?
Will: We've just finished touring with them actually, they joined us for a bit earlier on in our tour.
Sam: They're coming back as well I think. They're going to do our album launch party, They're a great band. We always try and pick bands that are better than us for support and I think they fit that category quite well.
How are you finding the response to your new tracks since you released them? ('English tongue', 'Danger In The Club', 'Matador') and how are you looking forward to your album release? (May the fourth)
Will: It's been good so far and I'm looking forward to it.
Sam: Once the album is released we can add more of the new songs to our set-list and I think it will make playing live a lot easier. In our set at the minute are all three of the new tracks we've released prior to the album release and they seem to be having a good response, so once the new album's out I think picking a new set-list is going to be a piece of p*ss.
Finally then, what advice do you give to small bands starting out?
Pete: Don't do it.
Will: [Laughs] Yeah, don't do it.
Sam: Don't try and impress anybody apart from yourself.
Alright well thanks for your time and good luck with the set.
Will: Yeah thanks Jonny, man.
Sam: Cheers.
Palma Violets new album 'Danger In the Club' is available now.
From left to right: Will, Chilli, Sam, Pete. |
Facebook: Palma Violets
Twitter: @PalmaViolets
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